Arch. Umberto Capelli
Born in Milan in 1951
degree in Architecture - Milan Polytechnic 1976
member of the order of architects of the province of Milan
n. 2583.
Capelli has been managing his own architectural firm since 1976
| He was a partner of Dini Capelli Architects from 1982 to 1993
| He is currently Managing Director of “Italengineering Srl” |
He was Technical Consultant for Urban Planning and Building Commission
for District 1 Council of Milan from 1980 to 1987 | He taught
Interior Design at the European Institute of Design in 1985 |
He has been the senior partner of Studio Capelli - Masella Associates
since 1996 | He is a partner of Studio Capelli Architettura &
Associati since 2004